About Oyámie

Born and raised in West Africa, Oyámie Kali Ma’at spent most of her childhood in community gatherings of musicians, drummers, dancers, and storytellers. Listening and Dancing to music became a foundation for her life. She remembers always feeling happy when she danced and moved, which became central to her personal growth and healing.
A childhood trauma survivor. In her search for healing, she was called towards mindfulness practices. Since 2015, she has dedicated herself to practicing yoga, meditation, breath-work, attuning, and looking to nature for guidance. Through her own exploration she began incorporating Dance and Movement for emotional alchemy. What she cannot express in words, she finds expression through dance and movement, revealing and healing anything.
The wisdom of her understanding to dancing and moving comes from being taugth by her elders and ancestors. Through a lineage that interweaves ancient knowleage and earth spirit. Being a witness to their embodied process, gave her the blueprint to hold the container and guide individuals in their own journey.
Her teachings are a direct result of her own journey and lived experience. Through developing mind-body awareness, studying somatic psychotherapy and embodied healing, Oyámie offers coaching and psycho-spiritual guidance to individuals dealing with shame, anxiety, low self-esteem, guilt, anger and in life transition. Her primary areas of focus are adult survivors of childhood abuse, neglect, abandonment, and victims of gender violence.
Oyámie helps you to drop into your body to release, express, connect, and to ease your mind. Her process enables you to feel the change from the very beginning. She is committed to a lifelong path of learning and understanding the divine nature of healing, creativity, and the human spirit.
My Mission
I believe that there is no universal approach to healing. I tailor high quality sessions specifically for each client, to reflect his or her individual personality and needs.
Certifications w/

Notable CEUs
ReSource: A Somatic Empowerment Adventure with Embodied Intimacy
A Body-Oriented Approach to Trauma: Introduction to Sensorimotor Psychotherapy with Dr. Pat Ogden
Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy with The Embody Lab
Somatic Parts Work (IFS) with Fran D. Booth
Inner Relationship Focusing with Ann Weiser Cornell
Somatic Attachment Therapy with The Embody Lab
Somatic Stress Release with Dr. Scott Lyons
Dharma of Trauma Level 1 Training with Manuela Mischke-Reeds
Intro to The Resilience Toolkit with Lumos Transforms
Reclaiming Pleasure: Embodied Joy in Trauma Recovery and Social Change with Kai Cheng Thom
Body Mapping with Tamalpa Institute
Essential Elements w/ Continuum Movement
Dynamic Embodiment Movement with Martha Eddy
Somatic Dance for Emotional Alchemy with Bernadette Pleasant
Anatomy of Emotion with Janet Stone Yoga
Polyvagal in Therapeutic Yoga with Dr. Arielle Schwatz
The Living, Healing traditions of Yoga Therapy with Gary Kraftsow
Calm, Resilient, & Wild: Unlock the Secrets of your Nervous System with Alicia Kerby
Experience the Fullness of Your Feminine Nature with Nishala Joy Devi
How to Cultivate Healing and Inner Peace with Tom Spector
Non – Violent Communication for Yogies: Practicing Ahimsa and Compassion with Marcia Miller
The Spiritual Arc of Memoir: Discovering the Invisible Thread of Grace with Joan Borysenko
The Wisdom of Trauma Healing Immersion with DR. BESSEL VAN DER KOLK, DR. GABOR MATÉ, DR. PETER LEVINE, and DR. SCOTT LYONS